Gun Permits For The Blind

If Stevie Wonder lived in Iowa, he could get a permit to carry a gun in public.

No, you’re not seeing things. You read that correctly. In a move that should be considered a satire right out of The Onion, Iowa is issuing gun permits to the blind.

The permits allow legally blind applicants to purchase weapons and carry them in public. Any attempt to deny an Iowan these rights based on physical ability would be illegal, the Des Moines Register reported.

Iowans have always been allowed to carry a firearm in private, but a new law passed in 2011 extends that right to the public sphere while placing no limits on physical ability.

“When you shoot a gun, you take it out and point and shoot, and I don’t necessarily think eyesight is necessary,” said Michael Barber, a blind man interviewed by The Register at a gun store in Iowa last month.


In case you’re thinking that federal law will stop the insanity, think again. The Gun Control Act of 1968 leaves it up to the states to decide.

Fortunately, Stevie Wonder has more sense than the Iowa legislature. Shortly after the Sandy Hook shootings, he told CNN’s Piers Morgan. “Imagine me with a gun. It’s just crazy.”

Or as the Onion reported, “Okay, but they [the blind] should promise to shoot only at super-scary sounds.”

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